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Storyboard Roles

Teams across the world use Storyboard to share audio within their organizations.

As a leading private podcast solution, we understand that assigning the correct user permissions is a critical part of a team’s overall experience. For that reason, we offer different levels of permissions to fit your podcast channel’s structure.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different Storyboard roles and their corresponding permissions and how they affect each user’s experience.


Overview of different Storyboard roles

Super administrators


-How to become a super administrator

-How to invite a super administrator

Group administrators


-How to become a Group administrator

-How to invite a Group administrator

Administrator FAQs




Different roles on Storyboard

To accommodate our customer's needs, we offer three different levels of permissions on the Storyboard platform:

Super Administrator: The highest level of account access

Group Administrator: Limited administrator access

Listener: No administrator permissions

Super administrators

Super administrators have the highest levels of access available to a Storyboard account. They can manage every step of a channel’s progress, including posting episodes to listeners and reviewing analytics. 

Super administrators can take the following actions:

Create Groups

Upload episodes

Promote episodes

View overall account analytics and individual episode analytics

Moderate all released content

User management

  • Add or remove listeners
  • Add or remove Group Administrators

Listener interactions

  • View listener feedback ratings
  • Review and moderate comments
  • Review voice notes left by listeners

How to become a super administrator

Storyboard offers two different types of login experiences which will dictate how to become a super administrator. 

Basic login: Individuals who sign in with a user name and password on the Storyboard platform

Single-Sign-On (SSO): Individuals who sign in with their existing company credentials

Basic login: When you first create a new Storyboard channel, you will automatically be given super administrator privileges. All future super administrators must be invited by existing super administrators.

Single-Sign-On: Super administrators will not be added by default. Your Storyboard account manager will help you get set up with adding the first super administrator. All future super administrators can be invited by existing super administrators.

How to invite a super administrator

Inviting an additional super administrator is a great way to share the ownership responsibilities of your account. It is also helpful to have multiple users manage the Storyboard channel when others are added or removed from the team. To add a new super administrator:

  1. Sign in to your administrator portal on Storyboard’s website.
  2. From the top navigation, click on the Organization tab.
  3. Click on Add New Administrators.
  4. Enter the email address of the person you wish to add.

Group administrators

Teams use Storyboard Groups to segment their audiences and ensure they’re getting access to content that is most relevant to them. To delegate responsibilities for these different audiences and content buckets, super administrators can designate Group admins to manage everything within that group. Some reasons for adding a Group administrator include:

  • Allowing someone else to share ownership of content and promotion for a specific Group.
  • Having more stakeholders actively invested in the success of the podcast channel.

Group administrators can take the following actions within their Group(s):

  • Invite listeners 
  • Upload content to their Group
  • Promote episodes with Push and Email Notifications to listeners
  • View individual episode analytics
  • View overall analytics for their Group
  • Add other Group Admins
  • Review comments and voice notes for their Group’s episodes

How to add a Group administrator

Group administrators can add other users as admins only to the Group that they have permissions for. Super administrators can add users as administrators to any Group within the channel. To add a group administrator: 

  1. Sign in to your administrator portal on the Storyboard website.
  2. From the top navigation, click on the Groups tab.
  3. Navigate to the Group where you’d like to add a Group administrator.
  4. Click on Add an Admin.
  5. Enter the email address of the person you would like to have Group administrator permissions. 

Administrator FAQS

FAQ: How do I know if I’m a super administrator or a group administrator?

Both super and group administrators have access to the administrator dashboard on the Storyboard website. To verify your level of administrator access, navigate to the Organization tab, where you will find a list of both super administrators and group administrators. 

FAQ: If I’m already a super administrator do I need to be a Group administrator? 

Super administrators do not need to be Group administrators to manage a Group. Super administrators have the ability to manage all Groups by default.

FAQ: If I’m already a super administrator, can I moderate the activity of a Group administrator?

Yes, super administrators can manage or remove any content that they deem to be unfit for the overall goals of their Storyboard channel.


Storyboard classifies a listener as any user who can sign in to the platform and access content on-demand. Listeners are the core of every Storyboard account. These daily users provide engagement and feedback to your content and are catalysts to growing your channel.

On your Storyboard channel, listeners will be able to:

  • Access and tune into content
  • Curate their experience by subscribing to public Groups
  • Leave comments on episodes
  • Rate episodes (1 to 5 stars)
  • Share links to episodes with other licensed team members
  • Submit voice notes to Super and Group Administrators  

To learn more about how to invite listeners, check out our Manage Users article.

FAQ: Can listeners create their own content?

We want everyone to be a part of their team’s conversation. With that in mind, Storyboard listeners can record directly in the Storyboard mobile application and submit this content to their super administrator for approval. 

While listeners can create their own content, only Group administrators and super administrators can release content to the rest of the team.

Have any questions about listening? Shoot us a message!

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