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Solo template

A general guide to hosting a solo episode

Why use a solo format?

Solo recordings are a great way to briefly share updates, notes, and company news. A solo episode can be used to replace an email, a chat thread, or even a meeting.

Use this template as a general guideline for your next episode, or in addition to any of our other scripts.

Solo template

For this format, we recommend having an intro, up to three main sections, and an outro.


Hi there. Here's your quick update on what you will want to know. My name is [name], and this is your episode for the week of [Date]. 

Introduction boosts
  • Recap of the last episode—here’s what you missed
  • Encourage commenting—ask for feedback from your listeners

First section or first talking point

What to consider

  • An important company milestone
  • Feedback from your customers
  • A big win or a shared accomplishment

Second section or second talking point

What to consider

  • Introduce a new shared goal that your listeners can get behind
  • Share why your company was striving for this accomplishment

Third section or third talking point

What to consider

  • Offer resources where listeners can learn more about your news
  • Tell listeners how they can get in touch with any relevant contacts

[Optional] Plug for future content

We’ll be back with our next episode [next week, in two weeks, etc.].

In the meantime, we love getting feedback from our listeners right here on Storyboard. To share an item we should consider for a future topic, make sure to leave us a comment below.


Thank you for joining us for another episode of [Podcast Name]. You can find our episodes right here on Storyboard by accessing the mobile app or the website.

To get the latest updates, make sure to turn on Push Notifications in the Storyboard mobile app so you can stay in the loop when new episodes come out. Thanks so much for tuning in. Until next time!  

Wrap-up boosts
  • Ask others to create their own series
  • Encourage users to share this episode
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